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  • Interesting Facts About Dentures You Never Knew 
interesting facts about dentures you never knew

You may think you know all there is to know about dentures but that is not the case! This dental device is a wonderful option for those who are dealing with missing teeth. Despite how straightforward the process of receiving and living with dentures seems, it’s always best to gather as much information as you can.

For more information about receiving dentures in South Tampa, contact our local dental clinic today!

What are Dentures?

Dentures are special dental prosthetics that are fabricated to fit within your mouth and restore your ability to eat, talk, and laugh when you’re missing a few or all of your teeth. There are several different styles of dentures that you can receive including full and partial dentures or dental implants. They’re also designed to mimic your natural smile; only you and your dentist will know that you have them.

Contemporary dentures are typically made from composite resin, but plastic or porcelain can also be used. If you maintain good oral health habits such as cleaning your dentures and visiting a dentist near you for regular checkups, they’ll last you a long time.

Facts About Dentures That You Should Know

The inner workings of everyone’s mouth and gums are different, meaning that the state of their oral health and the type of care they need are different too. That said, it’s a wise idea to learn all you can about receiving full and partial dentures near you before undergoing any dental work.

Here are some things that you may not know about dentures but are good to keep in mind, nonetheless:

  • It can be more difficult to wear lower dentures.

This can be an issue because lower dentures are constantly being moved and bumped by your tongue, lips, and cheeks when you talk and eat. This can cause food, bacteria, plaque, and tartar to build up in the spaces where the dentures are not fully suctioned to your gums.

Additionally, lower dentures are more susceptible to shrinkage than upper dentures.

  • Palates are different shapes.

A palate is another name for the roof of your mouth. People’s palates differ, which means that proper suction is needed in this case too, to keep your dentures from falling out. When you receive dentures from a dentist in South Tampa, they’ll take a series of x-rays and make impressions of your mouth so that your device fits you exactly.

  • Your gums can shrink.

This phenomenon is commonly seen when you lose teeth and when you age. When your teeth are absent, the ridges that hold them in place and, by extension, where your dentures rest inside your mouth, can shrink, which makes dentures a bit more challenging to wear.

  • The lifespan of your dentures can vary.

Your dentures are designed to be a long-term solution. But, to ensure that they last as long as possible and serve you well at the same time, it’s important that you have them examined when you come in for your routine dental checkup. Cleaning them daily will also help.

Fortunately, if your dentures are damaged or no longer fit as they should, they can be repaired or replaced as needed.

  • You can receive fixatives.

A denture fixative is a special paste that is used to help keep your dentures from shifting. It works in accordance with your saliva, acting as an adhesive to hold the prosthetic in place. This is a good idea to consider especially when eating harder, crunchy foods.

Are you interested in receiving convenient denture treatment? At Charles Martin DDS, we are here to help! Our staff is ready and willing to assist you with all your dental needs. We’ll walk you through the process from beginning to end so you know what to expect. Don’t be afraid to let us know about any questions or concerns you have either.

Call or visit our dentist in South Tampa to get started today!