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  • How Porcelain Veneers Can Transform Your Smile
how porcelain veneers can transform your smile

A bright and beautiful smile is the best accessory that anybody can have. However, not everyone is naturally blessed with a perfectly straight and well-aligned set of teeth. This often makes them feel self-conscious about their smile and lowers their confidence. The cosmetic dentistry industry has drastically advanced over the years, making it easy for changes to be made to one’s natural teeth in order to look more aesthetically pleasing. Dental veneers are one of these advancements. The process for obtaining dental veneers is performed by a cosmetic dentist. Dental veneers are an effective solution to cover tooth imperfections and dramatically improve their appearance.

What is a Porcelain Veneer?

A dental veneer is a thin layer of tooth-colored material that closely resembles natural teeth and is placed upon a tooth to enhance and improve its appearance. There are two types of veneers that are commonly used, these include:

  • Porcelain veneers
  • Composite veneers

What is the difference?

Composite veneers are less expensive than porcelain veneers. Our Dentists in South Tampa use resin cement to mold and shape the teeth, these veneers last up to 4 years.

Porcelain veneers are a long-lasting method that provides stunning results and can last up to 10 or more years with the proper care.

How do porcelain veneers improve your smile?

Each porcelain veneer is customized to the wearer and made to address their specific dental issues. Following are some of the issues that can be fixed or improved with porcelain veneers:

  • Filling in gaps between teeth
  • Fixing cracks or chips in the enamel
  • Straightening teeth
  • Whitening severely discolored teeth
  • Changing the size of teeth

Are porcelain veneers right for you?

Anybody can get porcelain veneers after they develop adult teeth. For adolescents, dentists tend to opt for composite veneers leaving time for them to change as they grow, but once you are an adult, you can receive porcelain veneers if you feel the need to change the aesthetic appearance of your teeth. Our dentist is highly experienced with porcelain veneers in South Tampa.

How to get porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneer treatment requires several visits to your dentist. The first visit is for consultation. The dentist will examine your teeth and make suggestions on what should be changed. They will also break down the process and price for the treatment according to your requirements. If you have any cavities or other oral issues, the dentist will guide you on how to treat those issues first before the veneers are placed.

After agreeing on the goals of the treatment, your dentist will prepare the teeth for porcelain veneers by slightly filling them. Then he will take an impression of your teeth to prepare the veneers which are created in a dental laboratory. You will receive a temporary set of veneers until the porcelain veneers are ready. Your permanent veneers will be fixed onto the already prepared teeth during your next visit. They will be shaped according to the kind of smile that you want.

How do you care for porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth, but they must be properly taken care of. The following are some simple tips to get the best value out of porcelain veneers near you.

  • Brush and floss regularly
  • Use an antiseptic mouth wash
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Have regular checkups with your dentist