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  • Do You Need A Snore Guard?
do you need a snore guards

Is your snoring keeping other household members awake at night? If the answer is yes, then a snore guard in South Tampa is ultimately a good snoring aid for you. However, given that there are so many options on the market, choosing the right one may be a little difficult. Plus, snore mouthguards are sold under multiple different names. Let us clear any potential confusion you may have and help you find the right snore guard near you.

Snoring Mouth Guards: How Do They Work?

There could be more than one cause behind your snoring. If the reason for your snoring is due to your tongue dropping back into your throat, a snore guard will likely be the appropriate aid. Wearing this device, will put your lower jaw into light tension and push it forward. Your tongue muscles and tissue in your lower jaw area are also put under tension and will not be able to sink to the back of your throat anymore. Your airways will remain clear which means no snoring sound. Simple, non-pathological snoring and light or moderate sleep apnea can benefit from mandibular advancement devices.

The Differences between Devices

(1) Mouth Guard (for Mouth Snoring)

A snore guard in South Tampa or a mouth shield prevents breathing through your mouth while you sleep. This stops the soft tissue in the back of your mouth and throat from vibrating. This has an extremely different effect than a snoring mouthpiece.

A snore guard provided by your dental clinic in South Tampa will have a very slim design. It will feel comfortable and will not irritate you while you sleep. Also, it is very safe and poses no choking risk as it is too large to swallow. You will insert this mouthguard into your mouth. It is not anchored to your teeth, rather it surrounds your top teeth loosely. Your lower jaw is freely movable. Wearing this mouth guard will prevent mouth breathing and its unpleasant consequences including, mouth snoring, caries, dry mucous membranes and bad breath. It also supports natural nasal breathing which assists your body to regenerate effectively and efficiently.

(2) Snoring Mouth Piece

A snoring mouthpiece or a mandibular advancement device is the most common type of mouthpiece to stop snoring. Wearing this device prevents the base of your tongue from falling back into your throat as you sleep on your back. Without the use of this mouthpiece, your tongue will obstruct or block your airways. This means a mandibular advancement device helps alleviate tongue-based snoring. It places your lower jaw muscles under slight tension and pushes them forward gently. The base of your tongue is also put under tension and protruded forward. It will not be able to relax and slip back. This means air can flow in and out freely.

(3) Custom-made Mouth Guards Near You

When you visit your dental office in South Tampa, you will receive a device that is individually designed based on your dentition and bite. Your skilled dentist will take an impression of your teeth. (A mold will be used for the fabrication of the device). This has a positive impact on the effectiveness of your mouthguard making it more comfortable to wear.

An Essential Tip

Your snore guard in South Tampa will be worn daily, which means you should maintain good oral hygiene. Bacteria thrive off of food particles left in your oral cavity at night due to inattentive brushing. Because your snore guard is pressed against your teeth, carries bacteria are able to propagate resulting in tooth damage and decay. Be sure to clean your snore guard after each use and store it in a cool place to dry. Avoid using over-the-counter tabs for dentures or dental prostheses to clean your device. Instead, opt for cleansing gels, rinses, and cleaning brushes. Your dentist in South Tampa will be happy to provide recommendations.