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  • Dentures vs. Dental Implants: Which is Better?
dentures vs dental implants which is better

When you lose your teeth, you can face numerous difficulties with smiling, speaking, and chewing. Luckily, there are many tooth replacement options available. Some of the most popular options include dental implants and dentures in South Tampa. But which option is best for you? Our team at Charles Martin DDS explores the differences between these restorative dentistry treatments in this blog post.

What Are Dentures?

There are two main types of dentures that you can choose from: full and partial dentures near you. If you are missing most of your teeth, then full dentures are the best option for you. These are an entire set of false teeth that attach to your gums- held in place by a strong adhesive- and restore your smile. If you still have a fair amount of healthy teeth remaining in your mouth, then your dentist in South Tampa may suggest partial dentures, which replace gaps in your mouth by fitting around your healthy teeth.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are often thought to be the golden standard for tooth replacement. Dental implants use a biocompatible implant post that is surgically implanted into your jawbone. Once it integrates, a dental crown is placed over the implant post to complete your tooth replacement. A dental implant is the closest replacement to a real tooth, making smiling, eating, and talking a breeze. Additionally, dental implants work to replace your tooth root and preserve your jawbone density.

How They Feel and Look

Both of these dental restorations can provide you with a natural-looking smile, but dental implants tend to feel more natural in your mouth. While dentures can take some time to get used to, your mouth will eventually adjust to them, and activities such as speaking and eating will become easier.

How Long They Last and Care Requirements

Dental implants are perhaps the only permanent tooth replacement option. With the correct care, your implants can last your entire life. If something happens to your dental crown, a dentist near you can easily fix it. On the other hand, dentures last about a decade if they are well maintained.

Dental implants require the same level of care as your natural teeth. You need to continue brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist regularly. Dentures require a bit more care. You will need to remove them for cleaning and soak them during the night to give your mouth a break.

How Much They Cost

Typically, dental implants are more expensive than dentures, but the cost will depend on your specific circumstances. While dental implants may cost more upfront, dentures may incur more costs due to repairs and relines in the long run. Speak to your dentist at your consultation to understand the full depth of cost for each procedure, and ask if they can provide you with an estimate, so you know how best to proceed.

So, Which is Best?

Generally, dental implants have more advantages than dentures. If you are a viable candidate for dental implants, our team at Charles Martin DDS suggests that you opt for this restorative dentistry procedure. No matter how you choose to replace your teeth, we are here to help you restore your smile, boost your confidence, and enhance your quality of life. Please get in touch with our team of dedicated dental professionals to book a consultation today!