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  • 7 Best Foods for Healthy Teeth
7 best foods for healthy teeth

Practicing good oral hygiene and scheduling regular professional cleanings and examinations at your South Tampa dental clinic is the secret to optimal oral health.

However, there are also simple everyday foods that you can eat to ensure your smile stays bright and beautiful. These foods contain powerful cleansing properties and can prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Let’s take a look at 7 different supercharged foods for your teeth and gums below.


Do you love cheese? Guess what, so do your teeth. Cheese contains high levels of phosphate and calcium, which naturally strengthen your teeth and bones. In addition, it also has the ability to combat acid erosion of your teeth. Having some cheese for dessert can help balance the pH levels in your mouth especially after eating bread, sweets, citrus foods or drinking soda. Less harmful acids in your mouth lead to increased saliva flow and fewer cavities.


Your calcium intake is an essential part of your diet as it protects your teeth and gums from disease. With that said, your body is unable to fully absorb calcium if you don’t have enough vitamin D. So how can we combat this? Fatty-fish! Salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines are all excellent sources of vitamin D.


You may be a little surprised how this food made it on the list considering it is acidic. Even though oranges are acidic, the vitamin C in citrus has wonderful benefits for your gums. Eating oranges strengthen your blood vessels and connective tissues and as a result, slows down the progression of gum disease as it reduces inflammation. So I guess we could say, “an orange a day keeps your South Tampa dentist away.”


Did you know your saliva is made up of 99.5% water? Although water is not technically considered a food, it is essential for your oral health. When you’re dehydrated, it causes your saliva to thicken. Optimum levels of water in your saliva, allow your mouth to break down food particles, neutralize bacterial acid and prevent tooth decay. It is always best to brush between meals, but if you are unable to do so, rinsing with water is another simple way to cleanse your mouth and wash away leftover food. Also, if you consume any staining foods or beverages, rinsing with water can reduce discoloration.

Fruits and Vegetables

If you don’t have a toothbrush lying around, turn to fruits and vegetables. In specific, try eating high-fibre fruits and vegetables as they can scrub your teeth and stimulate saliva production. Carrots, celery, cucumber, and apples have high water content and are commonly known as “nature’s toothbrushes”.

Green and Black Tea

Tea drinkers, we’ve got the news. The polyphenols found in green and black tea kill bacteria-causing plaque. These bacteria feed off of the sugars in your mouth, and as a result, produce acid that destroys your tooth enamel. This means drinking a cup of tea after a meal is a great way to suppress bacteria in your mouth.


Last, but not least, chocolate. Dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cacao can harden your enamel which makes your teeth less susceptible to decay thanks to the compound called CBH. Just be sure not to eat too much and always brush your teeth afterward.